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Maya has Earrings!!

Look at my new earrings!

It’s funny how the fact that we live were we live made this experience so different as how it regularly is in my country and in most latin countries. Baby girls are almost born with earrings! Seriously, they pierce them at the hospital!

So, for us here we first talked it over and agreed that yes Derek was ok with Maya having earrings as a little baby.

Then, I asked around for where should I do this? I don’t hear about it within my mom friends, or well, I didn’t have a baby girl before so it is a new topic! Finally a friend recommended a doctor’s office that also does the ear piercing and the doctor himself does it so you know it will be fine. I also heard that you can have it done at the store Claire’s but maybe anybody that works there can do it and they are not so careful or so sanitized.

So she cried a little bit and after a little bit more she was totally fine and more cute! hahaha! Now my baby girl has cute little earrings, she was dressed for the special occasion of course!

Mi muñequita
Waiting for the doctor – she almost sits up by herself / Esperando al doctor – casi se sienta solita

Baby earring equipment
Even the supplies are cute in pink! / Jaja! Hasta el equipo que usan se ve rosadito bonito!

Waiting for the doctor to do the ear piercing

Es bien interesante, el hecho de que somos una familia multicultural hace que esta experiencia sea bastante diferente a como usualmente es en mi pais y en casi todos los paises latinos. Las bebés casi que nacen con zarcillos (aretes) puestos! Si, de verdad, se los ponen en el hospital, bueno muchos de ustedes que me leen en español ya saben esto.

Entonces nosotros empezamos hablando del asunto y Derek dijo que si, que estaba de acuerdo en ponerle los aretes a Maya de bebé.

Pregunté a amigas y conocidas adonde se lo podía hacer, la verdad no sabía a donde hacían esto, nunca había escuchado hablar de amigas mamás acerca de cuando ni donde le abrieron los huequitos a las bebés, ha de ser porque es primera vez que presto atención al tema con Maya! Bueno, una amiga finalmente me recomendó la oficina de un doctor que vas rápido y el doctor mismo lo hace así que sabes que todo estará bien y limpio, etc. Y es que escuché de que en las tiendas Claire’s lo hacen pero que cualquiera que esté trabajando ese día le toque y pueda ser que no sepan bien y que se yo.

Total que se lo hacen super rápido y Maya lloró un poquitico pero salió bien y más cuchi 😉 Ahora ya la muñequita tiene sus aretes, hasta estaba vestida especial para la ocasión!

I'm happy now!
Another day at the beach – Otro dia en la playa

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  • Reply
    Meinhardt Family
    August 25, 2010 at 4:10 pm

    Dari, that picture of Maya sitting on the table. OMG!!!! So stinking adorable. I'm assuming you took the pic. You are such a great photographer. Love, love, love it. She's getting so big.

  • Reply
    August 25, 2010 at 4:39 pm

    Es una muñeca! She is so beautiful!!!

    I still haven't pierced Audrey's ears. Something I will write about one day ( : I had my ears pierced at just a couple weeks old, but somehow I have been scared to pierce Audrey's.

    You are quite inspiring! And Maya's beautiful ears are inspiring also!

  • Reply
    August 25, 2010 at 4:39 pm

    Es una muñeca! She is so beautiful!!!

    I still haven't pierced Audrey's ears. Something I will write about one day ( : I had my ears pierced at just a couple weeks old, but somehow I have been scared to pierce Audrey's.

    You are quite inspiring! And Maya's beautiful ears are inspiring also!

  • Reply
    August 25, 2010 at 6:01 pm

    OMG!!!!!!!!!!! I can't tell you how freakin' ADORABLE Maya looks in this post. Que graciosa. The earrings are too darn cute.
    I'm still waiting to give Izzy the option to get hers pierced. It'll definitely be a bday surprise in the near future.

  • Reply
    cynthia garza
    August 26, 2010 at 1:42 am

    My baby K got her ears pierced when she was four months old–at her pediatricians office. It was never a question for us, I mean, we literally receive four pairs of earrings, three bracelets (one for ojo, two name-plated) and three cross necklaces when she was born.

    Literally, the only time I even remember she is wearing jewelry is when I take her into my workplace, and EVERYONE comments on her earrings and bracelet.

    Maya's ears are even more beautiful now!

  • Reply
    The Proud Mommy
    August 26, 2010 at 2:16 am

    What are you feeding her..? she is cuter and cuter everyday!!!!!!

  • Reply
    August 30, 2010 at 5:55 pm

    So pretty! Her sitting up on the table is adorable and I love her curious expressions.

    I have 2 boys so no ear piercing here, (until they're teenagers, maybe? LOL… I don't think my husband would allow it though I seem to remember a certain someone having an earring when he was my boyfriend…hmmmm. LOL.)

  • Reply
    August 30, 2010 at 7:04 pm

    Thank you so much ladies!!

    @Meg, yes I took the picture, it turned out great but it was hard cause she kept falling and I had to be quick, haha!

    @Marce Go Audrey's ya! LOL!

    @Cynthia You reminded me how the babies do have lots of jewelry in Latin America, YES I remember the little "esclavitas"(bracelets) Que recuerdos!

    @Tracy The doctor asked me at the beginning just joking, is it pierced ears and nose? I wonder what would he ask if it was a boy??!!

  • Reply
    Melanie (ModernMami)
    August 31, 2010 at 3:29 pm

    My ears were pierced in the hospital! When we had our baby girl, we had her ears pierced when she was 3 weeks old – her pediatrician's office did it.

    It's funny like you said, the difference. I got many reactions of "Oh my God" from non-Latinos. Luckily, though my husband is not Latino, he is also Caribbean and had no issues since he's familiar with the custom.

    It's so much better young! Quick & easy & they won't remember the pain. 🙂

    She looks gorgeous!

  • Reply
    September 9, 2010 at 9:16 am

    Es verdad, qué gracioso el protocolo de ahora con las orejitas perforadas. Yo me imagino que cuando nosotras nacimos ni se preguntó, seríamos coquetas desde bebés y punto.

    Maya es una muñequita, qué preciosa se ve. Y las caritas que te regala en las fotos… no, no, no… me voy con mi yeyo.

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