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1st day of Preschool for Adrian

Good morning

Adrian is almost 4 so he can go to the preschool program that is offered here at the public schools. As I just mentioned, he’s always been in day-care and this is the first time in a real school setting. We are so excited about this new stage and Adrian is excited too.

The very first day of school all parents were able to stay there the whole time with the kids, isn’t that great? I enjoyed every second of the 2 and half hours in there. His schedule is Monday through Thursdays for 2 1/2 hours, that’s enough, and you wouldn’t believe how much they pack in those 2 hours! After all these preschoolers have to go from one activity to the next very quickly because if not, they’ll not concentrate long enough!

They started sitting down within a colored square of the rug, they listened to music, they clapped and they sang. I did like his teacher, the way he treats them and well, just how teaches I thought it was cool, even though I don’t know much about teaching and the school system here, I myself am learning all this too! (I went to school in Venezuela, although I did complete 3rd and 4th grade in the US, but that’s another story)

I loved how he used stuffed animals that “talked” to him and he then told the kids what they said. The stuffed toys where also students and got to sit at some of the rug color squares, it made the kids pay more attention and be less shy.

The king

They did 2 projects, one was make an Adrian-like figure by cutting up and drawing on it and the other one was to decorate a picture frame, we had fun and he loved it. They got free playtime with blocks for a while.

Mini Adrian

He also gets a snack, the snack is actually not bad, what I did notice was the amount of food they have to throw away daily, ay ya yai, I don’t even want to think about it, the kids have to eat in a certain amount of time and if they aren’t done they just have to throw away the left overs plus the food comes in lots disposable containers that don’t even get recycled. Sad.

Walking to the snack area
Walking on the line to get to the food. Caminando sobre la línea hacia el comedor.

Ok, moving on… They get to play at the playground or have some fun activity outdoors too.

Seeing him there makes me tear-up, seeing how he is this little person and he has a mind of his own, I’m sure all moms feel this, it’s just unbelievable. All the regular days that he goes to school and I’m not there anymore make me sooo curios!! How does he behave? What does he say? Is he learning? I ask him what he did but he doesn’t really tell me much, it’s so intriguing knowing he has this little life without us!!

He didn’t cry when I left him the second day by himself but then he cried the 3rd day, all of a sudden he said he didn’t want to go, oh no, that didn’t feel good at all, but he was fine when I came and pick him up, I guess it’s just harder for us but they do so many activities and have so much fun that they forget. I wish they installed some special holes in the wall or some cameras so we are able to watch or children other days, hahaha!

Play Time
They first watched the demonstration of the “Rules” and then they got to play!The wooden walls are because they are under construction adding full elementary to the school.
Primero se sentaron a ver “las reglas” de como jugar y ya después pudieron lanzarse. Las paredes de madera están allí porque están construyendo detrás, agregándole toda la primaria a la escuela.

Adrian ya tiene casi 4 años y entonces puede ir al preescolar que ofrecen las escuelas públicas aquí. Como acabo de mencionar, el siempre ha estado en guardería y esta es la primera vez en una escuelita. Estamos muy emocionados con esta nueva etapa y por supuesto él también.
El primer día de clases a todos los padres nos permiten quedarnos todo el tiempo con los niños, no les parece cheverísimo? Yo disfruté cada segundo de las 2 horas y media allí. Su horario es de Lunes a Jueves por un total de 2 horas y media, eso es todo, y no creerían todas las actividades que hacen esos niños durante esas dos horas! Después de todo los niñitos a esta edad pasan de una cosa a la otra bien rápido y si se tardan mucho se desconcentran!
Empezaron sentándose cada uno en un cuadrito de color que tiene una alfombra, escucharon música, cantaron, siguieron el ritmo con aplausos e instrumentos. Me encantó el maestro que tienen, como los trata, como los enseña, me pareció muy chévere, aunque yo no se exactamente que está bien o que está mal en el sistema escolar aquí, apenas estoy aprendiendo yo también. (Yo fuí al colegio en Venezuela, aunque aquí en EEUU estudié 3er y 4to grado, pero esa es otra historia!)
Me encantó como usaba peluches para comunicarse con los niños algunas veces, los peluches le hablaban a el y el le decía a los niños lo que ellos decían, los peluches también eran alumnos y algunos también se tenían que sentar en un cuadrito de la alfombra, esto hacía que los niños prestaran más atención y no les diera tanta pena.
Hicieron 2 proyectos, uno en donde hicieron una figura que se pareciera a ellos cortando, pegando y dibujando a un muñequito que le dieron y otro en el que tenían que decorar un marco para fotos. Les dieron un tiempo también para jugar con cubos o bloques libremente.

Picture Frame

También les dan una merienda, la merienda es bastante nutritiva, no me quejo, pero si noté que tienen que botar tanta comida porque tienen cierto tiempo para comer y si no terminan pues botan todo y ay, ay no!! No quiero ni pensar en eso, aparte los envases en donde les sirven es todo desechable y esa basura ni la reciclan, no debería de ser.


Ok, continúo, después juegan en el parquesito o algunas veces juegan alguna actividad afuera.
Al verlo allí se me aguan los ojos, ver como esta pequeña personita tiene su mente propia, ya está creciendo y va a aprender tanto, estoy segura que todas las madres pasamos por esto, es que no me lo creo. Los demás días en que ha ido y ya no me toca ir a mi me da tanta curiosidad! Como se comporta? Que dice? Que hace? Yo le pregunto pero el no me dice mucho, me intriga saber que tiene su vida donde hace cosas y nosotros no sabemos!!!
No lloró cuando lo dejé el segundo día solito pero cuando fuimos el 3er día si lloró!! Derepente me dijo en el camino que no quería ir y empezó a llorar, ay no, me fuí sintiéndome tan triste pero cuando lo fuí a recoger estaba de lo mas bien y me dio que le gustó, la verdad es más dificil para uno como padre pero ellos se olvidan rapidamente cuando empiezan sus actividades. Me gustaría que instalaran unos huequitos especiales o unas camaritas para uno poder ver a sus niños!! je je je!

A view of the school
A view of the school from the playground. I love the school, I want to go back to school!
Una vista del colegio desde el parquesito, yo quiero volver a ser chiquita para ir al colegio, me encanta!

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  • Reply
    Ana Lilian Flores
    October 2, 2010 at 10:47 pm

    Me encantan tus recap posts! Jaja!
    Divina la foto donde está sacando la lenguita concentrado haciendo su marco.
    Que ganas que Camila vaya a la escuelita!

  • Reply
    October 4, 2010 at 4:55 pm

    Gracias amiga!! Si, bien concentrado que se pone 🙂

  • Reply
    October 4, 2010 at 9:50 pm

    I would love to go back to school, too! 🙂 Look at all those cute little faces ready to learn! … That's so cool that his first teacher is a male. Nothing at all against female teachers (my older sister is a teacher – and I have loved all the female teachers that my kids have had), but when you have a little boy, it's nice for them to have these types of male role models. Unfortunately, male teachers aren't too common in the lower grades.

    I don't consider myself super environmentally aware – but as for the wasted food and not recycling – I noticed the same thing at my son's school a few years ago. It was just SO much due to the number of students that it was hard to ignore. I wrote a letter to the principal suggesting ways they can cut down on waste and they actually implemented some of those ideas!

    Buena suerte a Adrian. I hope he has a great first year!

  • Reply
    October 4, 2010 at 9:56 pm

    Wow! So this is what school looks like. The kids are growing up so fast.

  • Reply
    October 6, 2010 at 4:54 am

    Tracy, thanks for the inspiration, I can't believe they actually implemented some of your suggestions!

    Also, Re: Male teacher, I think it's so cool too!!! I didn't think about it as a role model, but it's very true my friend, they need more at that age!!

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