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Last couple of weeks + Other stuff

I will try to sum up our activities during the past few weeks.
We went to San Diego to visit the Gillespies the weekend of the 26th. I did bring the camera with me but I didn’t take a single picture, CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS?? Just a little break 😉 The funny thing was that even when I thought about pulling it out it wasn’t charged so it was just not meant to be!
We did have a great time as usual. We went to couple of restaurants for breakfast both days and it reminded us why we don’t do it as often. Adrian had a HUGE BIGGER than BIG FIT the first day at the restaurant, we had to go out of the restaurant with him to calm him down twice and even then he was still screaming like crazy, the food came late and he was getting bored, and when it finally came he wouldn’t eat it! He had to eat from my plate on my lap!!!! I know, I know, I shouldn’t allow that, but I swear we tried and it was hopeless plus we were very very hungry at this point and we didn’t want to make the people at the restaurant suffer more. We did learn a lot and for the next day he was much better, we where prepared and asked for something real quick for him to start eating and so he could be entertained. Even so, going to eat out right now is not one of our favorite things to do with Adrian, I’ll pass on this!

This last weekend was a mellow weekend and we stayed more time at home playing, organizing and taking some pictures. Derek and me even escaped to the movies on Saturday night and watched Iron Man, I really liked it!
So, I am excited about my new addition! I got a new lens for the camera and I’m practicing with it. I love it! I go to this blog I found a little bit ago and they give tips and homework online and it’s called Mamarazzi school! Perfect name!! I will be submitting my homework tomorrow (I still need one more shot), not sure yet which ones but here are some of the ones I’ve taken specifically for this homework:

Some more words:
Adrian can say NO. And he means it when he says it too. I wonder where does he get it from? 😉
He calls PO his pacifier – from spanish CHUPON
BA is his blankee – he hugs it and says Baa with an excited little cute tone on his voice.
BA is also Barney
EMO is Elmo

My sister’s birthday was May 1st. We had a great day together, her, mom and me, we went shopping the whole day, had breakfast and lunch out, I think she loved it!

Last on my list for today’s post is that I want to tell you that it will soon be a year since I started blogging here, I can’t believe it! I really like it and plan on keep doing it for now. I want to celebrate the occasion so I will have a GIVEAWAY that day. I have already thought about it and I know what I will give you. I will keep you posted once the date comes closer, it will be on June 5th, exciting!!! …Oh! and everyone can participate no matter where you live, I will send the present anywhere in the world!

Lo último que quiero decirles el día de hoy es que ya hace casi 1 año desde que empezé este blog, no lo puedo creer!! Planeo seguir haciéndolo por ahora. Para celebrar la ocación voy a darle a un afortunado un REGALITO ese día. Ya lo he pensado y tengo en mente lo que les daré. Así que estén pendientes para que puedan participar. Los mantendré informados una vez que acerque más la fecha. Será el 5 de Junio, fiiino! Ah! y cualquiera puede participar no importa donde vivan, les mandaré el regalito adonde estén!

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  • Reply
    May 8, 2008 at 9:39 pm

    Me imagino la congoja que pasaron en el restaurante, nosotros con un bebo de tres meses ya hemos pasado unas cuantas, la ventaja es que es sólo cuestión de cargarlo en brazos y asunto resuelto, con respecto a las fotos que le tomaste a Adrián… que te puedo decir???… como siempre estan espectaculares. Cuando te das una vuelta por Alabama?… a ver si mi hijo tiene la fortuna de tener unas fotos tan lindas y expresivas.


  • Reply
    May 13, 2008 at 3:19 pm




  • Reply
    May 13, 2008 at 4:34 pm

    Caro: Si es cierto, de 3 meses no es nada, salgan todo lo que puedan ahorita! jajajaja!!
    Me encantaría poder tomarle fotos a otros bebés y niños, disfruto mucho y cambio de tema, aparte así Adrián descansa de tanta atención!

    Gloria: Gracias y bienvenida! Gracias por pasar por aquí, vuelve cuando quieras!!

  • Reply
    May 13, 2008 at 6:32 pm

    Hola Dariela!

    Cuantas anécdotas muy especiales y algunas agotadoras claro todo es parte de su adaptamiento al entorno -y nosotros los padres desgastados jaja-

    Y las fotos wuao! estoy pataleando porque quiero ser también una Mamarazzi y tomar unas fotos así, De verdad felicitaciones y excelente tu progreso en la fotografía!!

    Un beso

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