Logic happens when we allow them to live with the consequences of their choices.
When people ask, “When can we start using Love and Logic with our children?” we say, “Start when they’re babies.” Sometimes we even add, “Start when they’re cute, so they will stay that way!”
I still have more things to share… I really started this post last week and didn’t finish it and then Adrian got sick and we couldn’t continue with regular life. He had a fever and he got one of his febrile seizures, we had to call 911 again cause it lasted long, I think about 4 minutes. It took him long to recuperate cause he wasn’t drinking much water during the day but he made it ok and now he’s back to normal. This thing doesn’t stop making us scared and nervous but every time it happens we feel more prepared just in case it ever happens again (hopefully not!). I just have to say it’s very very scary when it happens but it’s supposedly not harmful and it’s the body’s way to fight the fever. I had them when I was a kid and now I’m fine so that’s what I look up to! Anyways, I’ll be back with some more positive stories about our life with Adrian this week!
May 27, 2008 at 6:12 pmCon respecto al libro, voy a ordenarlo, siempre es bueno tener más bases para educar a tus hijos.
Por otro lado que susto con lo de Adrían, yo la verdad no se lo que haria en un caso xomo ese, ojala no se vuelva a repetir.
May 29, 2008 at 4:57 pmQue chévere Caro! Me tendrás que contar como te va cuando lo empiezes a usar!! Yo ya echaré mis cuentos también!
A Adrián le mandaron exámenes de su cabecita para asegurarnos que todo esté bien y que de verdad sean convulsiones febriles y no otra cosa. Besos!
Marie Louise
June 1, 2008 at 2:51 amYour son is an absolute cutie. What a face!
June 2, 2008 at 8:06 pmUps! no había leído este post. Ese material se ve excelente, ya nos contarás las anécdotas!
Que bien que Adrian esté mejor y las fotos lindisímas como siempre.
Un abrazo!
June 5, 2008 at 6:11 amWelcome Marie Louise!
Gracias Karina!