Only 3 more months until I finish this project that brings me a smile every time I look at her pictures and remember each day I took them. Today I went a little sideways, I almost don’t have to think when I take these, it goes pretty quick!
I look for something to entertain her so she’ll stay sitting for a little bit, she decided on stickers today but I realize this is not such a great way because she keeps looking down and gets concentrated in her thing. At least a couple of pictures were good!
About her this month what can I say? She keeps on being the cutest little thing around, she is very much daddy’s little girl now, instead of saying “mami, mami!” whe she wakes up she’ll say “daddy, daddy!”. That happened after I came back from Blogalicious, they bonded a lot and I love that.
Adrian and her are playing so much together, but they get really rough, they push each other and have fun, sometimes I think she wont like it but she laughs out loud. Below check out a little video of Adrian giving Maya a horsy ride, all their initiative, pretty funny!
PS: Adrian’s birthday is this Saturday, he is very very excited, I’ll let you know how it goes, not such a big plan but I am baking him a cake in the shape of the #5! Let’s see how it all goes, wish us luck!

PD: Adri cumple años el sábado! Está super emocionado, ya les contaré todo, no hay fiesta tan grande pero le voy a hacer una torta (pastel) en forma de 5! Vamos a ver que tal queda todo!
November 10, 2011 at 7:24 pmQue lindo esta idea, Dari! Me encanta ver los progresos de Maya, cada dia mas bella y grande. Besos!
Saludos desde O.C.
November 11, 2011 at 1:16 amThe baby's no longer a baby. She's growing up so quickly. And we can't wait for Adrian's birthday. Izzy is so excited to share in this moment with him. We'll see you all this weekend in celebration of the little guy turning the big 5!