I want to start by talking about one of the summer camps Adrian will be going, it’s called Bilingual Kids and it’s a Spanish Immersion camp. I am so curious to see how he will do, this will be a great preparation for the full immersion school in the fall.
The camp is at Balboa Park, they have activities with music, games, arts and crafts, literature, outdoor activities and field trips. Lots of fun!
They have camps every week and they start next week June 25th, the last week is August 6th, they can be a full day (from 8am to 4pm) or half day (from 8am to 12pm).
I love their philosophy, I agree 100% in what they say, this is an excerpt from their site:
“Our focus is for your child to develop the proper skills for him/her to be successful in a world that has a high demand for second language acquisition and multi-cultural education. Due to current globalization and technological advancements, conquering a second language is becoming more of a necessity rather than a simple enhancement of a person’s education.”
And one last thing about Bilingual Kids, it is a program that runs all year long in different schools, for French and Spanish, check out the list of schools right here plus they have weekly sessions at Balboa park! Wish I knew about these before for Adri!
Disclosure: Bilingual Kids invited Adrian to a week of summer camp. As always all opinions are 100% my own. Photos in this post are from from past adventures, not at Bilingual Kids!
“Nuestro foco está en que su hijo desarrolle las habilidades apropiadas para que sean exitosos en un mundo que tiene una alta demanda por la adquisición de un segundo lenguaje y una educación multi-cultural. Debido a la globalización y a los avances tecnológicos actuales, conquistar un segundo lenguaje se está haciendo necesario en vez de ser simplemente un mejora en la educación de una persona”
Y un último detalle de Bilingual Kids, este es un programa que se hace durante todo el año en diferentes escuelas en español y en frances, aquí pueden ver una lista de todas las escuelas y además dan clases semanales en Balboa park. Haberlo sabido antes para Adri!
Aclaratoria: Bilingual Kids invitó a Adrian a un campamento de verano por una semana. Como siempre todas las opiniones son 100% mías. Las fotos en este post son de aventuras pasadas, no son en Bilingual Kids.
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