I almost don’t want to do these posts any longer if that will help her get older. LOL! Ok, the reality is she is now 10 months and she is very…
monthly picture
This time Maya gave me lots of smiles!! Even though I had technical difficulties with the picture, first thing I thought was why did I choose a rocking chair for this…
I still can’t believe it, she keeps growing!! Maya is very calmed unless she is hungry or tires which is normal. She loves to sit on the floor and play, she…
And she is as happy as can be! She does like to smile a lot but if you’re a stranger to her she might not that so fast! –In the pictures…
I can’t believe it! Half of a year already! These moments are so great, Maya is really like a little doll, she’s laughing a lot, she almost sits up by herself…
And here she is! This time it wasn’t hard to get a smile. She laughs a lot lately, so cute! Her brown onesie is the 0-3 months size, I don’t know…
Here is Maya’s monthly picture. I can’t believe she’s already 4 months! She changes everyday, it’s so cool to see and experience a baby growing, how they start being more “aware”…