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    culture day of the dead food

    Day of the Dead: Pan de Muerto Recipe

    With a little lots of help from Nestlé, I made this wonderful Day of the Dead Bread, the recipe is seriously easy, it even has one of my favorite ingredients: Sweetened Condensed Milk.

    At the Día de Los Muertos event they divided us into 2 groups, one to make the bread and the other to make the crafts, and then we switched. For the bread, we went into the kitchen and each of us had our stations prepared with the ingredients to made it step-by-step, we all made one pan de Muerto to take home. I took photos of the steps (scroll down for the pictures) so I can show you here how easy it is to make,

    I’m really excited about this, it’s easy!! By the way, did you know why the bread has the particular shape? The decorations are supposed to resemble bones and the ball on top is the skull, In my bread, I purposely made it a skull shape, but you don’t usually see it like that at the stores 😉 Continue Reading