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    Moana Party for Maya’s 7th Birthday!

    Maya is seven, ideas for a Moana party

    Yes, the little baby of the house turned seven this year and we are all proud, excited and happy to celebrate her!

    I know seven is still so little but she looks so big to me now. I went through a phase for weeks coming up before her birthday, I kept looking at photos and videos of the kids when they were babies, I was so nostalgic, and that to me was little!!! Continue Reading

  • lifestyle

    A Cupcake Birthday Party

    Maya turned 5 years old! Her birthday celebrations are always several days because we have a party for her on a weekday at preschool with her friends, then her real birthday day…

  • lifestyle parenting

    Adrian is 8 Years Old!

    Yes it’s true what everybody says: They grow up so fast! I can’t believe it. Today Adri makes me feel so proud and happy, watching him grow, discover the world and…

  • lifestyle

    Maya’s Birthday Celebrations!

    Can you believe Maya is four years old? Time flies… Check out her birth story! Maya is definitely quite the personality around here, she is very very girly, she loves to…

  • lifestyle

    Maya’s birthday party

    So we planned Maya’s birthday party at the park and it rained that day so we had to do it in the apartment, Again, Boo. BUT we had fun and celebrated the…

  • lifestyle

    Maya is 24 months!

    It’s pretty amazing how life changes so much after having babies and how these beautiful babies become their own little persons little by little. Maya is a strong girl. I think…