I’m terrible at singing lullabies, I barely remember the lyrics, maybe just the chorus and a little bit of the rest, it’s terrible. So I have to hum the rest, repeat the lyrics or create new ones which is not fun to me.
In Venezuela we have a very famous folkloric lullaby with the same music as the Venezuelan National Anthem, so I sing that lullaby (I should sing that one to since I didn’t find a musical sample anywhere on the web) and I sing the whole Venezuelan national anthem! They do make you learn it by heart, so I know it all. And I love to sign it because it’s long and it lasts a long time, enough time to put a baby to sleep.
So, along those lines there is another song that they made us learn in school “El Himno a las Americas“, it’s another anthem created to celebrate all the Americas! And when I get tired of signing the Venezuelan one I start with this one. I introduced it to Adrian recently and he asks for it a lot now before going to sleep.
I think this song is a great one also because of what it says, it talks about the friendship and brotherhood of all of us, the countries in the American continent. It’s another way to teach the kids about our different cultures, also they can learn the name of the countries in a fun way.
I translated the lyrics down here (I hope it can be understood in English, for those of you that are bilingual, if you have any suggestions for changes in the translation, please go ahead and let me know!). And I also recorded myself singing it cause I didn’t find the exact version as the one I like to sing, how picky! Here is the Youtube version I found I liked the most.
{I don’t know why I really like to take pictures of Maya when she sleeps a lot, she just looks so peaceful! I usually take them mostly with my phone, and now that I put them all together is nice to see the how she grows}
What do you think? Did you know about this anthem? If you went to school in Latin America, did they teach it to you?
Un Canto a la amistad by dariela
Me parece que es muy chévere para cantarles a los niños porque les habla un poquito de la amistad y la hermandad entre todos los países americanos y aparte pueden aprenderse el nombre de los paises de una manera divertida.
Maybelline ~ Naturalmente Mamá
March 4, 2011 at 10:05 pmchama yo hayo lo mismo.. ajajajajaja.. e invento canciones con los ritmos de otras tambien.. que vacilón!.. siempre me pareció buena idea el hacerlo porque así les enseñamos algo más de nuestra cultura.. pero el himno de las Americas no lo recordaba.. lo voy a añadir al repertorio.. Te quedó muy bien la grabación!
March 4, 2011 at 10:19 pmBravo!!! que linda voz!!!
jajaja…yo no tengo bb aun, pero tb canto todo el tiempo, y hasta me canto para dormir, jajaj que loca… ahora toca aprenderme este que me parece q lo conocia, pero no me lo sé.
March 7, 2011 at 12:27 amMay: jajaja! Añádela que es buena! Te la recomiendo!!
Lyn: Nada loca, cuando yo no tenía bebés también hacía lo mismo!