2 weeks ago I had the opportunity to assist to another blogger conference called Hispanicize, it’s always a great experience to go to conferences in the area I love, cause you know, you get to talk about what you like and meet more people that like what you like and see old friends… Anyways, I’m here talk about dancing today not about the conference, I bring it up because that’s were I won 2 tickets to go to see Oscar de Leon at the Conga Room here in LA. For those of you who don’t who he is, he is a Venezuelan, now internationally known salsero. I am not a person that usually goes to concerts and now with kids, forget it, really really hard to make those commitments, BUT I love to dance and I really like Oscar de Leon’s music so I had to take advantage.
He didn’t disappoint, I went with my sister since my dear husband doesn’t like Salsa dancing and we’re ok with that, I enjoy my salsa with friends better!
At the beginning of the concert, it was so exciting! I haven’t been in a concert for so long and this close too, the Conga Room here in LA is a very small night club so it was very cozy 🙂 Almost everybody pulled out their phones and recorded!! I recorded some videos and I was thinking: “Oh I’m definitely going to do a little post on MamiTalks’ facebook page” But then I kept enjoying the whole thing more and more and wanting to share more, so I decided I NEED to do a blog post.
One of the things I wanted to share about Oscar de Leon is how amazing he is as a musician. This guy has been singing (always with an amazing voice), dancing and concerting since I am alive! And he looks exactly the same and seems to have the same energy, my goodness! I later found out that he is 68 y/o and please please look at the video below, he was singing and dancing perfectly for 2 hours straight plus the concert started at 11pm! I’m sure he had to wake up early that morning as well. (There is a really good quality video of that same night HERE, not mine but it’s so good!! Check it out!!)
He brought a big band and he seemed to be very in charge of what they played, he was definetely directing that band.
My sister and me got tired of course by the end, specially wearing our tacones (heels) that we don’t wear everyday! But we had a great great time and most specially we shared some time together that is hard to come these days.
I realize that I need to do this more often, the “mami” side of me makes me forget that one of my hobbies is dancing, I’ll be dancing more often!
Thanks again to Hispanicize and the Conga Room to give me time to dance!
Here is this video where Oscar de León is dancing and dancing pretty cool. I recorded it wiht my cel so quality is horrible but it was one of my favorite parts.
Al principio del concierto cuando salió a cantar fué bien emocionante, empezó cantando su canción más famosa: Llorarás. Yo no había estado en un concierto en años y verlo tan cerquita fué buenísimo porque el Conga Room es un lugar pequeño así que estuvo bien. Casi todo el mundo sacó sus camaritas para tomar fotos y grabar, yo empezé grabando videos y pensando: “Seguro quiero poner este video más un pequeño post acerca de esta noche en la página de Mami Talks de Facebook” Pero mientras pasaba la noche pensaba que quería compartir más y más y después dije, no, NECESITO hacer un post en el blog acerca de esto. Me recordó mucho porque me gusta bloguear… Porque me gusta compartir.
April 19, 2011 at 7:29 pm¡Que genial que te sacaste esos boletos! A mí me encanta bailar también y la verdad es que Oscar de León es excelente. Estoy de acuerdo contigo en que él está igualito, desde que recuerdo ha sido calvo y como que no se arruga. Me alegra que hayas disfrutado.
Roxana A. Soto
April 19, 2011 at 9:49 pmQué tal rumba!!! Lo máximo "El Sonero del Mundo!!" Me encanta!! Qué rico que hayas salido a bailar, Dar Dar!!
Mi esposo y yo fuimos a bailar hace un par de meses y nos acordamos cuánto nos gusta bailar y cómo era la único que hacíamos antes de los niños…
Un besote! Las dos Daris se ven regias!!!
April 20, 2011 at 7:25 pmChama que buenoooooo!!! me encanta que hayas pasado tan lindo momento con tu hermana, me hiciste recordar lo mucho que extraño a las mias.
Me alegro que te hayas ganado los tickets tu! aunque creo que si no te los ganabas nos amotinabamos.. jajajajaja..
Besos enormes mi amiga de los rulos preciosos!
April 22, 2011 at 3:46 pmCONCIERTOS ohhhhh cosa maravillosa, como los extra;o yo tambi[en, a Alabama NUNCA viene nadie, menos en espa;ol, tengo 5 a;os de no ir a un concierto y en Costa Rica no me los perd[ia.
Son de esas cosas que siempre extra;o y extra;ar[e.
Que bueno que la pasaste bien, el video lo maximo!!!.
Definitivamente este se;or debe teener un pacto con el mas alla porque esta IGUALITO!!!.
Y si, lo mejor de esto de los blog es compartir, a mi me encanta que compartas tu familia y tus cositas.
April 27, 2011 at 6:09 pmMamiCool: Si, está idéntico y no se cansa!!
Si Rox, la verdad hay que mover ese cuerpecito de vez en cuando!
Si May, si no fuera por ustedes no lo estaría contando!!! 🙂
Caro: Ay cómo me gustaría que estuvieras cerca y fuéramos a uno juntas! jaja, que rico, si son las cosas que uno deja cuando es mamá y a veces sin darse cuenta. Pero bueno, unas cosas por otras!! Gracias por venir siempre y compartir tu opinión 🙂