Note: This post got so much longer than usual! I guess I got excited! Thanks for reading me 🙂
I was invited by Pine-Sol together with a group of bloggers to volunteer at a wonderful event called The L.A. River day of Service. This event consisted in just that, cleaning up the river.
I was there not only for the volunteering part but as a blogger too.
The part of being a blogger that I love is that I can get real facts from my experiences and then I get to tell you all about it.
The part of it that goes a little bit into the reporter world and that I don’t like too much is when there are so many people trying to interview or to take pictures, I get overwhelmed and I feel I am not trained for that. As you know I am a girl that loves being behind-the-camera but not with so many people trying to do the same, I need space to concentrate!
ALTHOUGH, one of my best moments that day was when some of us got to sit by the Mayor of L.A. Antonio Villaraigosa in our bus ride back and ask him questions, it was less crowded and I felt more comfortable, I loved it and I recorded it!
His goal is to make L.A. the greenest city in the country, he is very passionate about it and talked a lot about the clean city and about being more green, I was impressed at how well does he remembers the data!
Here are some facts he said in the video, (And I love all the green talk BTW):
- LA uses the same amount of water used 30 years ago with 2.000.000 more people
- 144 incandescent lamps in the city were replaced by LED bulbs
- LA recycles 65% of the trash (The biggest percentage in the country!)
- LA is the only city of the country that uses 20% green power
They had about 20 sites along the river were all the volunteers were working on, how amazing. Next time something like this comes up I want to take Adrian, it would be such a great way for him to learn so much.
I can’t help but compare this river to “El Guaire” -the city river that runs across Caracas, my beautiful city. I wish there were well organized initiatives like this to clean it up.
Even More happened!
Pine-Sol also awarded $5000 to a program of young girls that same day. The program is called “Girls Today Women tomorrow”. The girls were there and talked about what they are able to do thanks to this program, it’s very encouraging that these programs exists, one of them was able to go to College in San Francisco, come back and work for a couple of years in a Law Firm and now she is finishing her Graduate program in San Francisco that started in Europe! She is the first one of her family to leave the house and go to College, for her that was hard to do on her own. The program also offers free art classes and many other really helpful ayuda for niñas with low resources. I was impressed!
Disclosure: No compensation was received for this post, I got really excited with the cleaning day and the Mayor’s facts on the video. I was provided with a Flip camera from Pine-Sol for volunteering time. — All thoughts are 100% my own.
*All photos are mine except the ones marked otherwise.
La parte de ser bloguera que me fascina es que puedo obtener hechos verdaderos y directos a través de mis experiencias y contérselos a uds.
Lo que no me gusta mucho es cuando se mezcla un poquito con el mundo de los reporteros y hay tanta gente tratando de entrevistar y de tomar fotos a una persona, me siento abrumada, engentada y que no estoy hecha para eso. Como ya saben me encanta estar “Detrás de la cámara” pero no al lado de tanta gente haciendo lo mismo, siento que no me puedo concentrar!
Tiene mucha pasión por la ecología de Los Angeles, me impresionó cómo se sabe una cantidad de datos de memoria. Aquí van alguna de las cosas que dijo en el video:
- LA usa la misma cantidad de agua que hace 30 años y ahora hay 2 millones de personas más!
- Se han reemplazado 144 bombillos incandescentes por bombillos LED en las calles de la ciudad
- La ciudad de Los Angeles recicla 65% de la basura (La ciudad con mayor porcentaje del pais!)
- La ciudad de Los Angeles es la única en el país que usa el 20% de la energía reciclada.
*Todas las fotos son mías excepto las que están marcadas.
Ana L. Flores
May 9, 2011 at 11:21 pmMe encantó que pudieran subirse al bus con Villaraigosa y que les dedicara tanto tiempo para platicar. Demuestra lo importante que es nuestra voz como blogueras.
Súper divertido el evento y espero se repita!
May 10, 2011 at 12:36 amGreat post! Super informative. It was a great day.
May 10, 2011 at 7:11 amGreat job on this post. It's awesome that these companies are helping out the community and environment as much as they can.
May 11, 2011 at 3:22 pmI love your post and video! I was sorry to miss the mayor. That's what I get for finding my *space* of quiet time. I sometimes need that too, to help me concentrate. Great job Dariela!