nature outdoors photography Uncategorized wordless wednesday

Wordless Wednesday – The view from here

I did some photos for a project with Paper Coterie in December, they had a prompt every day fort eh whole month. I started it but couldn’t finish! I think for me it’t hard to do a project like that in December, but I did get some good pictures. I love this one 🙂
– E S P A Ñ O L –
Empezé un proyecto de fotos en Diciembre con Paper Coterie pero no lo pude terminar. Ellos mandar un “prompt”, osea una frase con un poquito de explicación cada día del mes para tomar una foto por día pero la verdad me parece que diciembre para mi no es un buen mes para eso, se me hace dificil! Aunque si saqué algunas fotos buenas como esta que me gusta mucho 🙂

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  • Reply
    gather and hunt
    March 14, 2012 at 3:17 pm

    ooh…this is a lovely photo! it's hard to believe it was taken in December- it has a late summer feel to it! (the beauty of CA living i suppose!)

  • Reply
    March 16, 2012 at 9:13 pm

    this picture makes me feel very calm and relaxed.

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