We had a Garage Sale last Saturday and Adrian had lots of fun. For him it felt like being in park. He investigated all that he could and since he was…
We are still unpacking and this doesn’t seem to end any time soon. So many things to do!I feel very disoriented sometimes. I start organizing the kitchen, then go to the…
Hay muchas noticias que contar. Les advierto que es un post largo porque no las quiero dejar pasar para después ya que se que pronto seguro vendrán muchas más cosas que…
Así se despierta el nené a veces, con el pelo loco, sudadito y de buen humor. Esto fué hoy después después de su siesta que duró casi 2 horas al mediodía,…
Yes sir! I’m breastfeeding Adrian for half of the time now. It happens that after we came back from Indiana I couldn’t get milk out when I was pumping at the…
Around a week ago we started a bedtime routine with Adrian. It consists of taking a bath, reading a book or 2, breastfeeding or not (depends if he is hungry) and…