We had so much dying eggs yesterday. I had planned already how I wanted to do them. I looked into Martha Stewart’s site ideas (They always have great ones!) and I found her Egg Dyeing 101 App which it’s AMAZING, I bought it without any doubt, it comes with many many photos, step-by-step explanations and even videos for dying eggs.
I decided I loved the rubber band idea and planned for that. I also got the typical egg dying kit for the kids, Adrian just loves adding stickers and other fun stuff plus I wanted to make sure the rubber band ones turned out good!
It was so nice to have Derek with us doing it this time. I think all the years we have done it he wasn’t with us in that moment, so it was very cool to have him help setting up and playing along meanwhile I dyed eggs, took pictures and played too! He even had so many ideas to dye them!
Maya had fun for a little bit, she loved it and then she asked for food and played, she did want to drink the dye though! She thought it was juice, LOL!
The rubber band masking is very easy:
- Wrap rubber bands vertically or horizontally around the egg.
- Submerge the egg in a dye bath (food coloring works great!) and then let dry.
- Take off rubber band and you are done or…
- Leave the rubber band, add another one and submerge again in a similar color.
- Don’t use opposite colors cause it will mix and makes muddy colors.
I love how the contrast of white and color looks, next time I’ll always leave the first rubber band on so the white shows!
We are ready for next weekend! I’ll come back and share our Egg Hunt, meanwhile here are our past Easters: Easter 2011, Easter 2010, Easter 2009
Decidí que quería intentar la idea de usar ligas y lo planeé. También compré una cajita de esas típicas que venden en las tiendas en estas fechas para los niños y tienen calcomanías, a Adri le encanta eso y así me aseguraría de que las de las ligas salieran bien.
- Envuelve una o más ligas alrededor de los huevos.
- Sumerge el huevo en el colorante (yo usé colorante de alimentos y funcionó chévere!) y deja secar.
- Quita la liga y listo o…
- Deja la liga puesta, añade otra y sumrge de nuevo en otro color.
- No uses colores opuestos porque al mezclar se volverá marrón u oscuro y feo.