
We where at the store

We are still around and doing the regular daily activities, for example going to Trader Joe’s. Trader Joe’s is our local grocery shop where we love to go and get our weekly groceries. They keep the prices down and sell a lot good stuff and lots of organic food. We usually go on Sundays and of course now Adrian is part of our regular trip. He starts being nice and fun, then he wants to help pick up groceries from the shelves or organize them in the cart which is nice in a way and by the end he just wants out of the cart and he wants to grab anything he can. But of course the last option is just not available for him so he ends up in my arms and rushing to the car.

I’ve been also busy planning out Adrian’s 1st birthday!!! Exciting! After we decided that the park is the way to go we went there and tried to find the perfect spot, and now is on to the theme, I already chose it and I will tell you later to make it intriguing!! I’ll post the invitation when I have it ready which has to be soon cause his birthday is a month away, can you believe it?? Que chévere!!!

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  • Reply
    October 17, 2007 at 9:00 pm

    que belleza!!!

  • Reply
    October 18, 2007 at 2:52 am

    Qué emoción! 1 año casi!!!

    Yo me muero por ver esa fiesta y esas fotos ♥

    Este post me trae muchos recuerdos de cómo les encantaba a mis niñas ir al supermercado a esa edad. Cuando se cansaban de ir en la sillita las metía ADENTRO del carrito y les iba poniendo los productos encima lo cual les daba muchísima risa.

    Pero supongo que no era muy “safe” 🙂

  • Reply
    October 18, 2007 at 11:51 pm

    Que detalles tan lindos nos hacer conocer. Uno puede ser felíz con cosas que parecen muy sencillas pero que son el aprendizaje de nuestros pequeños y eso es importantísimo!!!!!!! Los queremos MUUUCHHHOOOO
    Marinela &cia.

  • Reply
    October 20, 2007 at 10:35 pm

    Si Jacqui, yo todavía veo a niñitos adentro del carrito, es que eso es divertido!

    Mari, si es verdad, las cosas sencillas son las que nos dan tanta felicidad!
    besitos para todos 🙂

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