Summer TRIPS Uncategorized water

Father’s Day 2008

Last weekend we went to visit the Gillespies and had a great dinner to celebrate Father’s Day!, Remember? Just like last year! It was a nice relaxing time with the family, I can’t believe I’m writing the word “relaxing” to describe an event in a restaurant including Adrian! But yes, I have to say he was an excellent little boy, even though he didn’t eat much, he was very entertained with his “Fruit Punch” which we had to order for him after watching several fruity drinks come by and none for him.

After eating or after just drinking in the case of Adrian, he spent some time in several arms having fun! See, it was relaxing!! Plus we watched a movie at their place, we ate some more, we had coffees, we went in the pool, it was great!

Adrian is showing his little stye (orzuelo) and mouth mark from a previous fall when he was playing last week. One thing after the other!!

The only bad thing about the weekend is that Adrian threw up the night we came home and he still has a cough from his last cold… I’m telling you!! …So, he’s not in a very good mood lately, it has been tough dealing with a cranky and whinny Adrian. Hopefully it will be over soon!

Funny incident that happened at the restaurant and I happened to capture it!

Wow! What a difference, remember last time Adrian was in this spa?

Some more pictures here.

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  • Reply
    June 19, 2008 at 1:38 am

    Me encanta que la hayan pasado así de delicioso!!
    te cuento que Jorge Alberto también está experimentando montarse en cualquier lado y ya lleva unos cuantos chichoncitos :S

    besitos para todos!!

  • Reply
    June 20, 2008 at 11:57 am


  • Reply
    June 23, 2008 at 2:04 pm

    Qué divino! Lo pasaron super rico! Adrián está cada día más de comérselo. Ahora tenemos que tener una niñita para que salga tan linda como él 🙂

    Hablando en serio (no casi) he venido a regañarte señorita, porque cómo es posible que no te nos hayas unido con los azules??? No doy crédito! Con las fotos maravillosas que tomas tú NO HAY DERECHO!

    Te queda hasta el día 3 si quieres mostrarnos los azules urbanos de tu ciudad. Después cambiamos a otro tema.

    He dicho.

    (con cara de brava)

  • Reply
    June 23, 2008 at 6:03 pm

    Karina: Si, esto de los golpecitos es a cada rato!!

    Gloria: Gracias por venir a visitar!!

    Jacqui: Jajaja, una niñita, si! pero dentro de un buen rato!
    Si, que pena, y yo tan emocionada que estaba cuando vi tu post del azul, pero luego me concentré en otras cosas y me sentí atolondrada y sin ganas de tomar muchas fotos. A ver si me da chance del tema azul. Pero para el próximo tema seguro me meto! Gracias por el regaño!!

  • Reply
    June 24, 2008 at 3:52 am

    Buenísmas fotos que reflejan gratos momentos.
    Pobre el bebe con su orzuelo, mi enana también estuvo con los mismo la semana que pasó. El dolor de ellos lo siente una también.

    Felicidades por esa familia tan linda que tienes.

    Un fuerte abrazo.

  • Reply
    June 25, 2008 at 5:20 pm

    Great Fathers Day pix! I like the ones in the pool. Hope Adrian is all better. Nathan’s tantrums are much better now… they were really bad for a few weeks though and I dunno why. I need to look for that one book you talked about.

  • Reply
    June 30, 2008 at 8:01 pm

    Gracias por visitar Lu! Bienvenida!

    Yes Bev, take a look at that book, it’s been very helpful, it takes time though but as parents the main practive is our patience!!

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