–Adrian when he’s not having a Tantrum 😉 —
Adrian is a sweet boy, can’t deny that. But recently he likes to make his point across by screaming really hard. We keep learning too on how to deal with his screaming which I think has gone quiet well. I try to be calmed and tell him that I wont listen unless he talks normally and if he keeps on doing it he will have to go to his room and scream real loud over there. Well, one of those Halloween nights he had to go to his room for about 30 min and it was hard for us to do that as always but I felt it was well worth it cause after that he still screams but he understands that he does not want to go do that again! So he kind of quiets down once I tell him the whole speech.
Parenting has been up and down for us these days, I have fun seeing that sometimes techniques work but sometimes they don’t so I feel frustrated and I want to just abandon the whole technique. I’m not a person with much patience, but having Adrian has been teaching me to have more patience!
I do have to say that as a normal 2 year old toddler he also goes to the other extreme and gives us many kisses, says “I O U mami” (on his own, by the way) and gives us hugs and more hugs. I’m in love with this stage!!! HAHAHA, I read myself and I want to laugh, it’s a wild thing to be a mamá of a 2 year old niñito! (little kid)
Here are some pictures of a Halloween party of our playgroup we went, we had a great time and Adrian did too, it was or first kid’s Halloween party ever in our life with Adrian. He dressed up as an improvised prisoner (notice the number on his front) since he didn’t want to wear any costume!!!
I’ll have to upload Halloween trick or treat pictures for another post, we had a great time too!!
November 7, 2008 at 8:36 amy mujer estamos pasando por lo mismo… que duro es ah! yo tampoco soy una persona muy paciente pero a la fuerza me esta tocando aprender a serlo, respirar hondo y a veces simplemente ignorar… es que es too much
suerte 😉
Mami de Héctor
November 11, 2008 at 3:02 amAmiga q lindo crece tu hijo, que estupendas fotografías, hay que felicitar a mami por supuesto.
A que se divirtió verdad!!
Un abrazo muy fuerte
Any y Héctor