I know, it took me a while to talk about my experience. It is so much I have to say and so little time, so I decided to list it out, that way it’s easier to read, it seems quicker and it’s just fun:
- My trip was exhausting, I had 2 flights and a layover of 4 hours which turned quickly into 8 hours! So, I didn’t get to attend the Social Fiesta which was the mayor official Latin party.
- As soon as I stepped in NYC grounds I completely forgot about point #1 because I love that city so much, I just opened all my senses and enjoyed!
- The first day was the best for me. I visited the expo, went to the Latinas in Social Media panel, met new and old faces and went out that night.
- I learned that we Latina bloggers are on the rise, I learned a little bit on how we are evolving in social media, it felt great to belong and embrace others as part of a big family. I left that panel so inspired!
- I realized there is a place for each and everyone of us bloggers, we all have our very own ideas to share with the world and it’s amazing how we can all coexist and learn to be better at what we do.
- I came back with many ideas for my little casita -this blog- ;), for example I do want to make a relationship with brands here, and I’m even brainstorming ideas on which brands and what to offer them, not just wait for them to come to me.
- You’re not going to believe this but I took almost no pictures at all! I was really into enjoying the moment. I did take my camera but I did not take out of the bag, I took it out when I was outdoors which occurred rarely!
- Sessions were not as good as I imagined they would be, but I had to live it to learn it.
- There is way more about Blogher than just sessions, expo and official parties. There are lots of private events, places and tours you can get invited to were brands want to connect with you. So next time I will prepare much better and guess what? Next year is in San Diego!! Very close!!
- Being without husband and kids is fun and very healthy but I did miss them a lot by the end of my trip. It was so nice to be back! I hugged Maya real tight and I asked Adrian: Did you miss me? And he didn’t answer but he said it all with hugs the first day I was with him, he didn’t want to let me go! I realized at his age he definitely knows how to express himself best through actions!
- Let me tell you there was a special room for breastfeeding and pumping during the conference! I was in heaven!! And I have little updates to share on this subject about traveling and pumping! I think I’m a pro on the subject! LOL! It went very well again!
-Photo from Maria Amelia–
Latinas in Social Media Panel / Dentro del panel de Latinas en los Medios Sociales
Latinas in Social Media Panel / Dentro del panel de Latinas en los Medios Sociales
I am still in a daze and I can’t believe I went to Blogher! So many thanks again to Latism for making this possible! I really appreciate it!!
There is way too little information in this post compared to the overload I feel I still have in my head from the trip so I’m leaving you with some links about the conference that I have read and enjoyed:
I was lucky enough to be featured here, go check me out!!
Great recap from a first timer too!
Great recap on the Latina bloggers at the conference and beautifully designed too 😉
Another great recap–check out the videos and see me dancing–after all I did get to party too!
Ya sé, tardé muchísimo en contarles acerca de mi experiencia. Es tanto lo que hay para contar y tan poquito tiempo que decidí hacerlo en lista de manera que sea más fácil y rápido de leer:
- El viaje en avión en sí fué agotador. Tenía 2 aviones que agarrar y un tiempo de espera de 4 horas que se convirtió en 8 por retrasos de aviones, etc. Total que no pude ir a la “Social Fiesta”, la fiesta “oficial” latina del asunto. Ni modo.
- Tan pronto como llegué a NY me olvidé rapidamente del punto #1 porque me mata esa ciudad, de verdad me fascina, así que empezé a disfrutar.
- El primer día fué el mejor para mi. Fuí a la expo que era bastante grande, fuí al panel de Latinas en los Medios Sociales y conocí a gente nueva y me encontré con gente que ya conocía. En la noche fuimos a una fiesta oficial y luego a cenar.
- Aprendí que las blogueras latinas estamos floreciendo rapidamente y que también estamos evolucionando en los medios sociales de la internet, se siente muy rico pertenecer a este grupo como una gran familia. Salí de allí muy muy inspirada!
- Me di cuenta que hay un espacio especial para cada una de nosotras las blogueras. Que tenemos cada quien nuestras propias ideas que compartir con el mundo y es muy interesante como todos podemos coexistir y seguir creciendo y aprender a ser mejores en los que hacemos.
- Regresé con muchas ideas para esta casita -mi blog- ;), como por ejemplo yo si quiero formar una buena relación con marcas aquí y ya estoy pensando que ofrecerles y no esperar nada más que vengan a mi.
- No me lo van a creer pero no tomé casi fotos! Como verán casi todas las fotos que he puesto no son mías! De verdad que estuve disfrutando cada momento y si me llevé la cámara pero ni la sacaba de la cartera, la saqué cuando estaba en la calle lo que no ocurrió muy a menudo o sino era de noche!
- Las sesiones o páneles no estuvieron tan buenos como me los esperaba (claro, excepto el de latinas, de verdad que si), pero hay que vivirlo para aprenderlo.
- Aprendí que hay muchísimo más de BlogHer aparte de las sesiones, la expo y las fiestas oficiales. Hay muchos eventos privados, tours y sitios a los cuales te invitan para conectar con marcas, para que aprendas más o simplemente para socializar hacer conexiones. Esta ve yo no fuí invitada a casi nada pero para la próxima me poreparé mejor y saben que? El año que viene es en San Diego, cerquita!!
- Tener unos días libres sin marido e hijos es muy divertido y saludable pero extrañé mucho a todos, ya al final del viaje me moría por verlos. Regresar fué rico, le di un abrazo inmenso a Maya y le pregunté a Adrian si me había extrañado, a lo cual no respondío y se quedó calladito pero después durante todo el tiempo que nos vimos ese día me abrazaba duro y no me soltaba!! Me di cuenta que por ahora el sabe expresarse mucho mejor con hechos y demostraciones que con palabras!
- Les cuento que había un ssalón especial dedicado a madres que dan pecho y a madres que necesitaban sacarse leche, que maravillaaaaa esto!! Ah y tengo pequeñas actualizaciones acerca de viajar y sacar leche, de nuevo lo hice y me fué muy bien! Creo que soy una pro en este asunto, jajaja!
Todavía estoy medio impresionada y no puedo creer que ya fuí y vine de BlogHer! De nuevo agradezco muchísimo a Latism por hacer esto posible!!
En este post hay poquisísima información en comparación a todo lo que yo siento que tengo en la cabeza de este viaje, así que aquí les dejo unos links acerca de la conferencia que he disfrutado:
Fuí bien afortunada de que me entrevistaran aquí, vayan a verme!!
Excelente resumen de una que fué por primera vez también.
Buenísimo y bellamente diseñado 😉 este resumen del panel de latinas blogueras.
Otro resumen muy bueno–si ven los videos me verán bailando!!–después de todo si disfruté una fiestecita!
Ahhh, walking in NYC, eventhough this was Saturday night and I was T.I.R.E.D. I still loved it!
Ahh!, caminar en Nueva York! Aunque esto fué el sábado en la noche y estaba MUERTA, lo disfruté mucho!
August 23, 2010 at 5:38 pmI'm glad you had tons of fun and came back with ideas that you can apply to your blog. I'm sure the family missed you MUCHO!
August 25, 2010 at 3:44 amSo wonderful that you got to go and represent all of us. Sorry I missed it, but am so glad that you have shared what you learned!
Gracias, Dariela!
angelica perez
August 25, 2010 at 9:15 amBeautiful photos, beautiful account of your experience at BlogHer. It was so great seeing you again here in NYC! Hope to see you in Miami next month!
Carrie at Tiki Tiki Blog!
August 28, 2010 at 8:25 pmLove this, Dariela:
"I realized there is a place for each and everyone of us bloggers, we all have our very own ideas to share with the world and it's amazing how we can all coexist and learn to be better at what we do."
And, I loved seeing you!
August 30, 2010 at 5:52 pmAgree with Carrie. That's a great quote 🙂
Bittersweet to see some of the QRV amigas together and not be there!
I wish you much success as you continue your blog journey.
August 30, 2010 at 7:19 pmThanks so much for your comments!! They always make my day!!
@Angelica Thanks for using my pictures, I'm honored. It was great seeing you too!
@Monica It would be nice to meet you in person, hopefully Soon!
@Carrie Gracias amiga, loved seeing you too and sharing un poquito más.
@Tracy Si amiga, bittersweet indeed. It was sometimes so hard to get to talk to everybody in NY, Miami was so much laid back, hopefully we'll get another chance, seguro!!
Melanie (ModernMami)
August 31, 2010 at 7:04 pmI'm so glad you got to go!!! Thanks for the very kind comments about the panel, my recap post, and the design. 😉
I'm glad you got to experience it yourself, since only so many words can describe the fun, learning, and community that happens at BlogHer.
August 31, 2010 at 11:32 pmGreat, succinct recap, Dariela.
I have to agree with Carrie about how fantastic this quote is –
"I realized there is a place for each and everyone of us bloggers, we all have our very own ideas to share with the world and it's amazing how we can all coexist and learn to be better at what we do."
The Latina blogger community is an incredibly supportive one and we are lucky to have blog hermanas that help each other out.
Really looking forward to finally meeting you at Blogalicious in October!