photography Uncategorized wordless wednesday

Desde arriba

Top view

It’s that time of the month again for pictures of the Photography group La Vuelta al Mundo. This time it’s view from top. I didn’t have many pictures this time but this challenge is something I want to keep doing, changing point of views drastically is so interesting and fun!

Bath Time
Sometimes bath time is fun 😉  Alguna vez más que otra el baño si es divertido 😉

Trying to get back and do some painting. Estoy tratando de volver a pintar libremente
Es el momento de enseñarles las fotos del grupo de fotografía La Vuelta al Mundo otra vez! Este mes fué Vista Cenital o desde arriba. No tuve muchas pero algo es algo y además con esto de seguro intentaré más fotos como estas, es que cambiar de punto de vista al tomar las fotos es muy interesante y divertido!
I had to capture this moment, the 3 of them were having lots of fun! Tuve que capturar este momento, los 3 estaban divirtiendose bastante!

A morning of painting
I had to separate all those paint tubes cause they were dried!!! It’s been too long. Tuve que separar todas esas pinturas porque estaban secas, ha pasado mucho tiempo!

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  • Reply
    December 1, 2010 at 2:10 pm

    ¡Qué bellas Dariiiiiiiiii!!! Me mataste con la de la bañera, qué divinos se ven los chicos ♥

  • Reply
    December 1, 2010 at 3:06 pm

    Esa de la tina está genial : )

  • Reply
    December 1, 2010 at 4:52 pm

    Gracias!! La del baño fué divertida, es muy raro cuando los dos están bañándose armoniosamente y yo tengo chance de hacer alguna cosa que no sea ser referi, jaja!

  • Reply
    Melanie Edwards - Ella Media &
    December 1, 2010 at 7:43 pm

    How funny that you caught him with a well-placed cup in the tub! 😉

    It must be hard to find ways to get higher to get these points of view, but they came out beautiful!

  • Reply
    December 1, 2010 at 8:17 pm

    Haha! I took many shots Mel and I was telling him to put any toy there! He didn't do it always and didn't understand and kept asking why! Haha! But at least I got my good shot!

  • Reply
    December 1, 2010 at 9:09 pm

    Jajaja… réferi, y sip, además los dirigiste muy bien porque se ven totalmente espontáneos 🙂

  • Reply
    December 3, 2010 at 11:07 pm

    The picturs are sooo beautiful. Almost hynotizing. It's great that you find time to work on photoshopping them.

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