Since Adrian was a baby I dreamt of making him awesome school lunches, especially the bento ones, they are great! But the reality is another one, I don’t really have the time to dedicate to making kid’s lunches like that and I’m too perfectionist about the designs (yes, the bentos are a design project for me!). But I was fine with just making him normal healthy lunches, well, with not such great ideas, I didn’t go outside of the idea of turkey/cheese sandwich or wrap. At least Adrian does eat veggies and everything but I was bored with the same old ideas.
But there is always a solution for everything and in this case, there is a menu plan for fresh school lunches called MOMables.
Momables was created by my genius amiga Laura Fuentes, she was having that same dilemma of “what to pack” and decided, here you go everybody menus for the whole week!
There is a classic menu and a free grain menu. I am trying the classic menu and I’m liking it very much, especially because there are lots of creative ideas that I would never think of. When I got the first menu I made 4 lunch boxes at once! Mainly because now Derek wants them too and I also make them for me when I want 🙂
The weekly menu comes in the email every Friday, it includes 5 recipes, one for each weekday, 3 of them are single lunch ideas and 2 are family size. I love that each recipe includes a photo, this is basic to kind of have the feel of it and know if you really like it and it also gives you side serving ideas. The membership costs $24 for 3 months or $79 for one year.
You can get a sample menu plan here and the website includes tons of free recipes too. (affiliate links)
Making a tuna sandwich with the leftovers of another recipe
Haciendo un sandwich de atún con los restos de otra receta
What I’ve done is that I include sides that Adrian likes the most like carrots, celery, bell peppers, and fruits. I really don’t know what’s going to happen when Maya needs a lunch box because she eats about 2 veggies only!
There are some recipes that he hasn’t liked and well, it’s a matter of trial and error, now I know which ones he likes best and I’m saving those in a recipe folder to repeat them when they are needed.
To pack the lunches I am using these containers with 3 compartments, they are great and convenient, they are called EasyLunchboxes, they have the containers plus the lunch bag cooler that fits them horizontally instead of vertical which is one of the things that always worried me with other bags.
MOMables is offering a 3-month membership for one MamiTalks reader, participate in the Rafflecopter at the end of the post to be able to win!
Disclosure: I received a MOMables membership and an EasyLunchboxes set for review purposes. All opinions, ideas, and stories are 100% my own.
Making Pizza Calzones – Haciendo calzones facilitos
Almost all the lunchboxes I’ve packed until now thanks to MOMables!
¡Casi todas las loncheras que he hecho hasta ahora gracias a MOMables!
– E S P A Ñ O L –
Desde que Adrian era bebé soñaba con hacerle tremendas loncheras, sobretodo esas tipo Bento, ¡son tan bellas! Pero la realidad es otra, no tengo tiempo y soy muy perfeccionista en cuanto diseños se trata (sí, para mi esos Bento son un proyecto de diseño!!). Me acostumbré a la idea de hacerle comidita normal, lo único es que las ideas siempre faltan, no salía de un sandwich o un wrap, eso que el si se come sus vegetales y todo pero hasta yo estaba aburrida de las mismas ideas.
Pero siempre hay una solución. Y en este caso existe un sistema de menús de almuerzos para loncheras ya pre-hecho que se llama: MOMables.
Sample of how the daily recipe comes – Así viene cada día de la semana
MOMables lo inventó una amiga genia Laura Fuentes (mamá de 3), resulta que un día ella estaba con el mismo dilema y dijo no más, ¡aquí les va el menú de la semana a todos!
Hay un menú clásico y uno libre de granos. Yo lo estoy probando y me está gustando mucho, sobretodo porque hay ideas que a mi nunca se me hubieran ocurrido. El primer día que lo recibí hice 4 loncheras! Porque resulta que a Derek también le gusta y también me hago a mi algunas veces.
El menú llega todos los viernes por correo electrónico y hay 5 recetas, una para cada día, 3 son para una persona y 2 usualmente son recetas familiares. Me gusta que traen fotos de cada receta, eso es básico para saber si a uno le apetece o no y es chévere porque te da ideas de con qué acompañar cada almuerzo en la foto. La membresía cuesta $24 cada 3 meses o $79 por todo el año.
Aquí pueden bajar un menú de ejemplo y la página tiene muchísimas recetas gratis también. (links afiliados)
Yo lo que he hecho es que le pongo a Adrian de acompañamiento lo que se que más le gusta como las zanahorias, celery, pimentón, nueces y frutas. La verdad cuando me toque hacerle loncheras a Maya nosé cómo haré porque esa come como 2 vegetales nada más!
Hay unas que no le han gustado y bueno, ya sé, y las que le gustan mucho las estoy poniendo en un recetario para repetirlas cuando necesite.
Para empacar las loncheras recibimos un set de estos envases de plástico con 3 compartimientos, son una maravilla, se llaman Easy Lunchboxes y también venden la lonchera o cavita que me gusta mucho mucho porque el envase no va parado sino acostado (eso es algo que nunca me ha gustado de otras loncheras).
MOMables está ofreciendo una membresía de 3 meses a una lectora de MamiTalks, aprovecha y participa en el sorteo, sigue las instrucciones del Rafflecopter!
Aclaratoria: Este post no es pagado. Recibí una membresía de MOMables y un set de EasyLunchboxes para hacer esta reseña. Este post contiene links afiliados. Todas las opiniones, ideas e historias son 100% mías.
September 5, 2014 at 1:30 amSe ven buenisimos los envases y los lunch hmmmm,………… muy apetitosos.
Marcela R
September 5, 2014 at 5:43 amSuper buenas ideas!
EasyLunchboxes (Kelly Lester)
September 5, 2014 at 6:36 amWOW! Simply GORGEOUS PICS! Thank you 🙂
September 6, 2014 at 2:59 pmGreat ideas from just the pictures – but I would love to get menus to help with my son's lunch! I use easylunchboxes and they are fantastic!!
Melanie H.
September 6, 2014 at 3:21 pmPack your lunches the night before so you're not rushing around in the morning.
September 6, 2014 at 4:19 pmI love our Easy Lunch Boxes! I have twins who are in preschool & they make lunch making/packing a breeze!! I like to include a small treat in their lunches 😉
Felicity White
September 6, 2014 at 4:54 pmLooks amazing
September 6, 2014 at 10:13 pmI'll be using bento boxes to give my daughter lunches with variety!
Mama Bear
September 6, 2014 at 10:52 pmMy suggestion/tip is to involve the kids in the making and packing of their lunches.
Angie Eaton
September 7, 2014 at 1:11 amThis is a great idea!
September 7, 2014 at 8:05 pmPrep all your fruits and veggies at once for the week ahead so they are ready t go when you are rushed!
September 8, 2014 at 12:08 pmWE've been using the easy lunch boxes and have had completely waste-free lunches for 2 years. They're awesome.
September 8, 2014 at 12:35 pmNice ideas
September 8, 2014 at 3:13 pmI would love some new ideas!
September 8, 2014 at 8:05 pmmy tip is let the kids help my son loves to help pic fruit or side or drinks that go in his box and eats better when he is included
Faye Godbold
September 9, 2014 at 6:02 pmMy tip is to pack what you can over the weekend.
September 9, 2014 at 7:46 pmPlan ahead! I rarely follow my own advice haha, but if I go into the day with a plan, it goes much more smoothly.
September 9, 2014 at 11:48 pmWe're on day 2 using our planetbox lunch box and this would be great!
Hillary Stephens
September 10, 2014 at 4:33 amI pack lunches for my husband and myself as well as 2 kids. I would love help conning up with meal ideas!
Nicole Nicholson
September 10, 2014 at 5:43 amMake lunches the night before!
September 10, 2014 at 3:55 pmNeed all the help I can get! 🙂
September 11, 2014 at 10:57 amThank-you so much – I'm so excited to try some new ideas!!
50 Easy School Lunch Ideas – Site Title
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