I started this photo project for the month of december, check out more details of what it is about here and btw I’m also making a Pinterest board to collect them all here, cool! – Empezé este…
collecting memories memories moments photography Uncategorized
collecting memories memories moments photography Uncategorized
Collecting Memories: December 2014 #2
I started this photo project for the month of december, check out more details of what it is about here. – Empezé este proyecto fotográfico que durará todo el mes de diciembre,…
collecting memories memories moments photography Uncategorized
Collecting Memories: A Special Photo Project
Dec 1, 2014: Adrian discovered he can carry Maya piggyback, they had fun for a while! – Adrian descubrió que puede cargar a Maya de caballito, se divirtieron por un buen rato!…
beach instagram memories moments photography San Diego Uncategorized
Instagram Amor: Personal Hashtags
I have to say it, Instagram is my favorite social media channel of all, I enjoy looking at other people’s photos and I enjoy sharing my day-to-day finds in there as…
It has been more than 6 months that I don’t post Instagram Amor here!! I’m mad at myself. How does it happen? But I know, I know how it happens, I…
This post is sponsored by Disney Story. To find out more about this brand-new story-creation app – and how it puts the power of storytelling in your hands – click here.…
design moments TRIPS Uncategorized
Reflections about being an Entrepreneur and a Mother and a Wife and much more…
This last trip made me think a lot. Basically because I was planning the trip for a year with my sister and when I was finally doing it, I couldn’t believe…