It’s been almost a month already since Adrian started his Spanish Immersion school and we really love it! There are so many little anecdotes that happen each day, it has been a definite…
back to school bilingual español parenting school spanish Uncategorized
The day finally arrived! I can’t tell you enough how excited I am was, I almost couldn’t sleep the other night. I think I was probably more excited than Adrian. I…
These mosaics are little parts of bigger mosaics found at Adrian’s school, I love them! – Stay tuned today for a recap of how the first day of school went! Estos…
Even though there is still a month ahead of summer for us like I already mentioned here, it’s time to start planning for the beginning of school in september, and we…
Adri finished preschool last week, and this was his final preschool year, remember last year in LA? The act was cute and exciting, I cried, I think I will cry every…
bilingual español nature outdoors parenting Park school Uncategorized
A Spanish Immersion School, YAY!
This post can also be called: WE ARE EXCITED! or YAY!!!!!!!!! or ADRIAN GOT CONFIRMED IN THE SPANISH IMMERSION SCHOOL WE WANTED YAY!! But those titles were hard to include in…
We are so proud! And Adrian is already missing school and his friends! I’m so glad we have the pictures! Estamos muy orgullosos! Y Adrian ya extraña su colegio y a…