We made a family road trip to Santa Ana, and this was thanks to my sister who really organized it, we just came along for the ride and it was great!!
This is how it went:
Early in the morning we stopped first at the Java Jean Bar where they sell clothes and there is a café. Very cool and different, Adrian was of course checking out everything he could with his eyes wide open. Everybody had breakfast and a nice relaxing time since we where together and out of LA for a day.
Then we drove up to this other cool place called The Camp and The Lab. These are like little malls but they are done in a very different and funky way, and they are not so big so you don’t feel overwhelmed about not being able to see all the shops and places. It’s very eye candy.
We shopped for a while (my sis and me) and then we all went to have lunch at the Havana restaurant right inside “The Lab”. This is us down here saying Salud!!
Adrian behaved excellent, he ate lots, he watched people, he saw the shops … and… oh! I haven’t mentioned it here! but he is taking his FIRST STEPS!!! so he even walked a little tiny bit. –Notice in the pictures that he has shoes, those are his real first shoes, I had to get them yesterday cause he didn’t have any comfortable ones to start taking his steps outside the house, I think he likes them 😉
Adrian loves to travel and see new places. I really don’t like to stay at home with him that much when we have free time cause he gets bored and just wants to be climbing on myself so being able to do these adventures is very very fun for us. And being able to go out all together with the family is the best!! We’re enjoying this life with Adrian so much! And I’m sure there is so many more exciting happenings to come!
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