I grew up in Venezuela, very used to going to the beach only on weekends and it had to be very sunny and hot. The beach was also synonymous of a long weekend where we stayed at someone’s place, a big group, sun, sand, delicious tropical heat in Venezuela’s beaches. I miss that a lot, but since here in San Diego we are so close to the beach and it’s not tropical of course, but there are many different ways to enjoy the beach! Continue Reading
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Recently we did a really cool roadtrip here in California, I told you about it here and gave you some tips for you to make your own special family roadtrip too.…
Sights from our recent road trip / Esto lo vi durante nuestro paseo en carro.…
Setting: A beach anywhere in the world Subjects: Kids ready for fun Special Guest: Livie and Luca Shoes This adventure was quite simple. We just headed down to the beach and as soon as…
Me: Hug for a picture Adrian: But I don’t want to touch her! — Yo: Abrásense para una foto Adrian: ¡Pero no la quiero tocar! …